Course Syllabus

Latin I Syllabus 2021-2022 

Instructor: Cathleen M. O’Shea                                                 Classroom: Room 707 

Email:                               Phone: 706-823-6931 

Tutorials: M/Th   3:30-4:15      

Please look for communications through announcements on Canvas 


Students sign up for the class Quizlet with the following linkMs. O'Shea's Honors Latin I Quizlet 


Course Description: Latin I is an introduction to classical Latin using a reading approach to language acquisition. Students will learn grammar, vocabulary and culture through readings about a Latin family and their experiences in 1st century A.D. Rome. Students will build their English vocabulary by making connections between English words and their Latin roots. They will explore the influence of the ancient Romans on modern day culture through topics on history, art and culture.  

 Materials: Students will use the Ecce Romani Unit I textbook. Students are asked to always be prepared in class with writing utensils and paper for notes and exercises. Students will also be asked to keep a notebook for this class. Online resources and Canvas will also be used as part of the course. Other materials to be used in the class for occasional assignments include highlighters, colored pencils, different colored pens and poster board.  

 Outline: Students will study the following topics during the course of the year. 

  •  Vocabulary: Ecce Romani I Vocabulary lists Chapters I - XXVII 
  • English derivatives: English words derived from the vocabulary, mottoes, phrases and abbreviations. 
  • Grammar: Regular and Irregular Verbs in the 6 tenses, Nouns and their 6 cases, adjectives and agreement of adjectives, personal pronouns and the demonstratives hic and ille. 
  • Culture and History: Roman life (houses, dress, family life, slavery, etc.), mythology and religion, historical overview (the kings of Rome and the early republic). 

 Classroom Expectations: 

  •  Entering the classroom - students are expected to arrive to class on time, sit at their assigned seats and begin the warmup at the beginning of each class. 
  • Rules and Instructions - students are expected to follow all school rules, engage in all classroom activities, and follow teacher instructions 
  • Cell phones and technology use - cell phones should NOT be visible at any time unless the teacher instructs students to use a device for an instructional activity. Students must follow school and classroom guidelines for computer use.  Charging of phones is NOT permitted. 
  • Restroom - students may use the restroom only with teacher permission. Students may not use the restroom the first 15 or last 15 minutes of the class period. 
  • Courtesy - students should show courtesy to the teacher and one another at all times. Students should speak in turn and refrain from any activity that disrupts classroom instruction.  


Grading Policy 

 Students will be assessed using the following percentages: 

 Formative Assessments:  40% (Language practice, workbook/extension activities, speaking assessments, minor projects, translations etc.) 

Summative Assessments:  60% (Quizzes and tests, major projects) 


Late Work and Absence Policy 

 Late work is generally not accepted. Students with permission to hand in late assignments will receive a 10-point reduction in grade per day. Students who have a valid excuse for not completing an assignment on time must speak with Ms. O’Shea. All quizzes and tests missed owing to absence must be made up within 3 days + the number of days absent. All quizzes and tests must be made up before or after school.  

District policies on absences and late work will be followed. 


Message from Instructor 

I am excited about starting the new school year! We will continue to use the Canvas platform, so please look for communication though the announcements on Canvas. The best way to contact me is through email   or Canvas. I ask students to print out and complete the signature page at the end of this document and hand it in to me in class. 


Course Outline 

Week 1: Introduction to course and classroom procedures. 

Week 2:  Course Introduction, the basics of learning Latin: who, what, when, where, why? Ecce Romani Chapters 1 and 2, parts of speech, singular and plural, Roman. The Roman family. Vocabulary Quiz 

Week 3:  Roman sayings. Ecce Romani Chapters 3 and 4, parts of speech, singular and plural, the accusative case, Roman dress. Vocabulary Quiz 

Week 4:  Roman sayings. Ecce Romani Chapter 5. Parts of speech, singular and plural, the accusative case, Aeneas. Test on Chapters 1-5. 

Week 5:  Roman sayings. Aeneas Project. Ecce Romani Chapter 6.Nouns and adjectives, infinitives, slavery. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 6:  Roman sayings. Ecce Romani Chapter 7 Nominative and accusative cases, declensions, the Roman villa 

Week 7: Roman sayings. Aeneas. Ecce Romani Review Chapters 1-7.Parts of speech, singular and plural, nominative and accusative, declensions, adjectives and Roman life topics. 

Week 8: Roman buildings. Ecce Romani Chapter 8. Conjugating verbs in the present tense, the irregular verb sum, esse, vocative case. Patria Potestas. Vocabulary Quiz 

Week 9:  Roman buildings. Ecce Romani Chapter 9. Prepositional phrases with the ablative and accusative cases.major gods and goddesses, Vocabulary Quiz 

Week 10: Roman buildings. Ecce Romani Chapter 10.Accusative and infinitive, the 4 conjugations, infinitives and imperatives, slavery. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 11: Roman buildings. Verb Assessment. Ecce Romani Chapter 11. The genitive case, 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension noun charts. The founding of Rome. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 12:  Roman Buildings, Founding of Rome project. Ecce Romani chapter 12, uses of the ablative. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 13: Roman Buildings. Ecce Romani Chapters 8-12 Review. Cases and declenions, verb conjugations and personal endings, prepositional phrases and uses of the ablative.Chapters 8-12 Test. 


Week 14-15: Review and Exams. 


Week 16: Latin Mottoes Ecce Romani chapter 13. 3rd declension i-stem nouns, imperfect tense of the verb, Vocabulary Quiz 

Week 17: Latin Mottoes. Ecce Romani chapter 14. Imperfect tense in 4 conjugations and sum and possum. The kings of Rome. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 18: Latin Mottoes. Ecce Romani chapter 15: neuter nouns, Roman numerals. Vocabulary Quiz.  

Week 19: Latin Mottoes. Test on the imperfect tense. Ecce Romani chapter 16. Adjectives of the 1st and 2nd declension. Roman numerals.Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 20:  Latin Mottoes  Chapter 17. Irregular verbs. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 21:  Latin Mottoes. Ecce Romani Chapters 13-17 Review. Test on Chapters. 


 Week 22:  Ecce Romani Chapter 18. Adjectives of 1st and 2nd declension and 3rd declension.Early heroes. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 23:  Ecce Romani Chapter 19. Perfect tense verbs. Graffiti and Roman travel.Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 24: Ecce Romani Chapter 20 Perfect tense, subordinating clauses with dum, uses of the infinitive, the early Republic. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 25: Ecce Romani Chapter 21. Reading comprehension. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 26: Ecce Romani Review chapters 18-21. Noun-adjective agreement, verb tense review, Test on Chapters 18-21 

Week 27: Ecce Romani Chapter 22 The dative case, review of declensions. Assessment on declensions. Vocabulary quiz. 


Week 28:  Ecce Romani Chapter 23 Nouns as substantives, the future tense of the verb, aqueducts. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 29: Ecce Romani Chapter 24. The pluperfect tense, the dative with verbs, the ablative of cause, North Africa. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 30:  Ecce Romani Review Chapters 22-24 cases and tenses. Test on reading comprehension. 

Week 31: Ecce Romani Chapter 25, 4th and 5th declension nouns, Rome. Vocabulary Quiz. 

Week 32:  Ecce Romani Chapter 26, Hic and ille, the Roman empire.  

Week 33: Ecce Romani Chapter 27, personal pronouns, the chariot races.. 


Week 34-35:  Review and Exams. 



This syllabus is a living document that is subject to change as the school year progresses. All school and district policies will be followed. Please discuss any questions you may have with Ms. O'Shea regarding classroom procedures and policies. 




Page Break 

Student Name (Please PRINT legibly). _________________________________________ 


I have read and understood the course objectives, grade expectations, and class materials needed. I will adhere to school and classroom policies to the best of my ability. 



Student Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________________ 

Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________ Date ___________________ 


Student Contact Information 

Parents’ cell phone numbers ______________________ & _________________________ 


Parents’ email addresses ______________________ & __________________________ 


Student mailing address ________________________________________________________ 


Each student’s success in this class will be the result of TEAM effort on the part of the student, teacher, parent/guardian, and school. 






Course Summary:

Date Details Due